"K9 UNrefined is dogs, unsweetened─ The raw capabilities and intricacies that led them down the path to becoming humanities greatest animal ally." 




After reading through these entries you will have a much greater appreciation for your dog. 





Lets go back 214 years. A man named Edward stands outside on a hot day, sweat dripping from his brow onto a white apron. Approaching him is a shaggy poodle full of dry mud and twigs. next to the poodle is a man with 4 dead birds slooped over his sho…

Lets go back 214 years. A man named Edward stands outside on a hot day, sweat dripping from his brow onto a white apron. Approaching him is a shaggy poodle full of dry mud and twigs. next to the poodle is a man with 4 dead birds slooped over his shoulder. "Dog took care ov'ya today I see! Take him short?" Ed says to the gentleman. "Short!" the man replies. Ed takes the poodle around to the creek, dunks him and removes the dirt. Next he plops him on a wood table, towels him off and carves, with scissors, a purposeful cut for an industrial animal. --- 200 years ago the poodles cut was designed in order for quick dryability and contained warmth for the joints and important organs. Hence the Balls of hair on the hock, ankles, scalp and chest, and many variations of it. Today, the cut is overdramatized and its only ineffectual purpose is to look posh prancing around a ring. As hard as it may seem now, there was indeed a time when poodle...was rugged.

• It is said dogs have more salt in their blood which invariably aids in their perception and sensitivity towards electricity due to the concentration of sodium ions. Upon testing body voltage of human and dog subjects it is estimated our dogs produ…

• It is said dogs have more salt in their blood which invariably aids in their perception and sensitivity towards electricity due to the concentration of sodium ions. Upon testing body voltage of human and dog subjects it is estimated our dogs produce twice the amount of millivolts that humans do. With this, comes quicker perceptions of feeling and rapid impermeability and reaction to stimulus. Responsiveness through all sensory organs switches from the point of contact to the brain at a minimum, double that of human.

'Ah...Summer... I can taste it!' • Inside the nasal cavity and opening into the upper part of the mouth is the final piece of the dog’s scent-related puzzle, the remarkable Jacobson’s Organ. The primary function of this Organ is to detect phero…

'Ah...Summer... I can taste it!' • Inside the nasal cavity and opening into the upper part of the mouth is the final piece of the dog’s scent-related puzzle, the remarkable Jacobson’s Organ. The primary function of this Organ is to detect pheromones, which then provides both sexes with information as to the availability of the opposite sex for breeding. Many search and rescue, detection dogs lick the air to give additional input into their “scents-ability.” Lizards, snakes, horses goats and deer all are masters of this organ as well. A recent anatomical study of 400 human subjects confirmed both its presence and the fact that its nervous connections are capable of sending functional messages to the brain. Apparently, as much as some folks would like to deny it, we humans are indeed sexual animals, just like the rest of nature. SO get to the nearest mall and start licking some air!

•Head-tilting is portrayed simply as an effort by dogs to adjust their outer ears, to focus upon the precise location and interest of sounds.

•Head-tilting is portrayed simply as an effort by dogs to adjust their outer ears, to focus upon the precise location and interest of sounds.

•Freshly fallen snow doesn’t have as much water in it as you might think. It only contains about 5-20 percent water depending on temperature. Canines in the wild had to rely on nature to sustain them. They drank from cool, fresh springs and riv…

•Freshly fallen snow doesn’t have as much water in it as you might think. It only contains about 5-20 percent water depending on temperature. Canines in the wild had to rely on nature to sustain them. They drank from cool, fresh springs and rivers most of the year. In the winter, they were still able to hunt for their food, but most of their water sources would have become frozen. They needed to find a way to get the fluids required for survival. In wintertime, those fluids usually came from consuming large quantities of snow. This was what every canine’s ancestors had to do to preserve themselves. We all do whatever we have to do to survive another day. So did they. Also, its just so pure, crunchy, and dissolves so well! Go enjoy a snow cone with your dog! For OLD TIME SAKE!

Innocence is a great word to describe both children and animals. They are in a world… filled with such interesting, fascinating and unguarded awareness. A world of magic. Every day is an adventure. every sight, every sound, every touch and smell is …

Innocence is a great word to describe both children and animals. They are in a world… filled with such interesting, fascinating and unguarded awareness. A world of magic. Every day is an adventure. every sight, every sound, every touch and smell is liberating. A fantasy, that we adults seem to forget about. A man once said to me “When I get drunk, I seem to understand my dog better.” to which I replied “Yea, yea, you do.”

•Dogs can sense odors at concentrations nearly 100 million times lower than humans can. If you don't stop to smell the roses, they sure will!

•Dogs can sense odors at concentrations nearly 100 million times lower than humans can. If you don't stop to smell the roses, they sure will!

The differences between wolves, dogs, coyotes, and golden jackals are so slight that they can ALL interbreed and produce fertile young.

The differences between wolves, dogs, coyotes, and golden jackals are so slight that they can ALL interbreed and produce fertile young.

Although many variables exist when identifying growls in dogs; Is it play? Is it a warning? Is it demanding, just obnoxious or maybe he's just purring like a cuddly little kitten! Aw HOW CUTE! (Believe me, people explore interesting streams of …

Although many variables exist when identifying growls in dogs; Is it play? Is it a warning? Is it demanding, just obnoxious or maybe he's just purring like a cuddly little kitten! Aw HOW CUTE! (Believe me, people explore interesting streams of thought when they aren't sure, or choose to believe something different is going on.) A good gauge to ear on the side of safety is to observe any movement in the animal. If they're moving their butts, wiggling, or shaking an object around like a thrasher at a slipknot concert its a safe bet that it is play. TUG OF WAR?! Yes, Enjoy it!

Human and dog oral bacteria are vastly different. A dog's oral bacteria presents little to no harm to humans. Being bitten in the hand by a human will most times cause a pretty bad infection. Interestingly enough, only 1% of emergency room visits ar…

Human and dog oral bacteria are vastly different. A dog's oral bacteria presents little to no harm to humans. Being bitten in the hand by a human will most times cause a pretty bad infection. Interestingly enough, only 1% of emergency room visits are for infectious bites from dogs. So next time your pal wants to lick away your greasy face don’t get all grossed out! Its SAFE! And feels damn good on the stubble!

Born at only 1-2lbs, a Great Dane will tip the scales at 135-200+lbs within only 12 months! That's 14lbs of muscle, fat & bone per month! Or 1 Pomeranian per week!

Born at only 1-2lbs, a Great Dane will tip the scales at 135-200+lbs within only 12 months! That's 14lbs of muscle, fat & bone per month! Or 1 Pomeranian per week!

Puppies go through many changes, including shedding their puppy fur. Puppies are born with a coat of fur, but that coat is gradually replaced with an adult coat. This begins when a puppy is anywhere from 3 to 6 months old, and can continue throughou…

Puppies go through many changes, including shedding their puppy fur. Puppies are born with a coat of fur, but that coat is gradually replaced with an adult coat. This begins when a puppy is anywhere from 3 to 6 months old, and can continue throughout puppyhood, which can last for over a year. **Enjoy the smell while it lasts!**

In the same canidae family as our couch warmers at home; I present to you... The Bush Dog! Taking down larger prey then itself, living in familial packs and great swimmers to boot;these guys are dog through and through!

In the same canidae family as our couch warmers at home; I present to you... The Bush Dog! Taking down larger prey then itself, living in familial packs and great swimmers to boot;these guys are dog through and through!

• A person standing still 300 yards away is almost invisible to a dog. But a dog can easily identify its owner standing a mile away if the owner is waving his arms.

• A person standing still 300 yards away is almost invisible to a dog. But a dog can easily identify its owner standing a mile away if the owner is waving his arms.

Reported in an African newspaper, these guys are referred to as "bank robbers, body guards...and debt-collectors", they are known to locals as Gadawan Kura...hyena handlersThey are actually traveling performers who sell traditional herbs, potio…

Reported in an African newspaper, these guys are referred to as "bank robbers, body guards...and debt-collectors", they are known to locals as Gadawan Kura...hyena handlers
They are actually traveling performers who sell traditional herbs, potions and charms. They use their hyenas to attract and entertain crowds. The hyenas of coarse mesmerize the onlookers. The Hyena Men give charms to people who pet the animals without fear. A self-generating business! And a sure way to get nibbled on if you’ve showered!

• Domestic dog blood runs from wild apex predators; Wolves, bushdogs, jackals and coyotes. And from this, our dogs are very keen at detecting fear, weakness and the opportunity to get what they want when they want it. However, with this incredible g…

• Domestic dog blood runs from wild apex predators; Wolves, bushdogs, jackals and coyotes. And from this, our dogs are very keen at detecting fear, weakness and the opportunity to get what they want when they want it. However, with this incredible genetic ability which in the wild would allow them to spot prey, take down an animal ten times their size, and feed them for a week; you also get senses of size differentiated compassion and understanding. Most dogs reared or around smaller animals learn to maintain a gentle paw. It is very common in our world to see a Chihuahua ruling a Doberman, a Parrot squawking orders to a Labrador, or a Maltese mocking a Mastiff. All that muscle, all those teeth...and gentle awareness.

Dogs possess a rete mirabile, a complex system of intermingled small arteries and veins at the base of their neck. This acts to thermally isolate the head, which contains the brain, the most temperature-sensitive organ, from the body, which con…

Dogs possess a rete mirabile, a complex system of intermingled small arteries and veins at the base of their neck. This acts to thermally isolate the head, which contains the brain, the most temperature-sensitive organ, from the body, which contains the muscles, where most of the heat is generated. The result is that dogs can sustain intense physical exertion over a prolonged time in a hot environment, compared to animals which lack this apparatus; thus, a dog chasing a jackrabbit through the desert may not be able to outrun the rabbit, but it can continue the chase until the rabbit slows due to overheating. THIS particular dog chased a convoy through the Mauritanian desert for 3 miles before giving up!

• Dogs have three eyelids. The third lid, called a nictitating membrane or “haw” keeps the eye lubricated and protected. Other mammals possessing these natural windshield wipers are seals, polar bears, and camels. That little chunk of red in the cor…

• Dogs have three eyelids. The third lid, called a nictitating membrane or “haw” keeps the eye lubricated and protected. Other mammals possessing these natural windshield wipers are seals, polar bears, and camels. That little chunk of red in the corner of our own eye is remnant of a nictitating membrane in humans!

• One kind of Pekingese is referred to as a “sleeve” because it was bred to fit into a Chinese empress’ sleeves, which was how it was often carried around

• One kind of Pekingese is referred to as a “sleeve” because it was bred to fit into a Chinese empress’ sleeves, which was how it was often carried around

• Aggression itself is usually defined as "the intent to do harm“. Many dogs show displays of aggression such as barking, growling, or snapping in the air, which are considered distance-increasing actions intended to get the person or dog to move aw…

• Aggression itself is usually defined as "the intent to do harm“. Many dogs show displays of aggression such as barking, growling, or snapping in the air, which are considered distance-increasing actions intended to get the person or dog to move away. Most dogs display of aggression is defensive, harming another only if they perceive that they have no option, or Scooby Doo out of the scene. Other dogs may develop rare (very rare) aggressive behavior due to medical reasons. Dog aggression is a common dog behavior, and can be seen in ALL breeds of dogs. Lack of exercise is not a cause of aggressive behavior, although exercise boosts serotonin levels, which offsets stress hormones such as cortisol, and can complement a behavior modification program. Depending on the motivation and consistency of the owner, most dog aggressive acts are never too late to treat.

• No one knows who might have been the first human to harness a dog to a sled. The earliest archaeological evidence of dog harnesses and other specialized equipment for dog traction occurs in Canadian Thule sites, and it may have been these people w…

• No one knows who might have been the first human to harness a dog to a sled. The earliest archaeological evidence of dog harnesses and other specialized equipment for dog traction occurs in Canadian Thule sites, and it may have been these people who invented this mode of transportation that greatly increased the range of winter hunting and travel at some point between AD 1000 and AD 1600

• More then half of the dogs brain is appointed towards their olfactory perception. Us humans consistently shed microscopic dead skin from our bodies effectively leaving our DNA, smell, and blueprint behind wherever we travel. Our biggest shed point…

• More then half of the dogs brain is appointed towards their olfactory perception. Us humans consistently shed microscopic dead skin from our bodies effectively leaving our DNA, smell, and blueprint behind wherever we travel. Our biggest shed points are from our scalp and feet. So don’t be surprised next time you see your buddy sleeping with your hat, underwear, socks and bath towel! Its YOU! YUM!

• A dog can locate the source of a sound in 1/600 of a second and can hear sounds four times farther away than a human can! Trade in your ear horn for a dog!

• A dog can locate the source of a sound in 1/600 of a second and can hear sounds four times farther away than a human can! Trade in your ear horn for a dog!

• When a dog is between 3 and 6 weeks old, its puppy teeth will emerge through its gums. This process produces 28 small teeth and can result in your young puppy chewing to relieve the pressure of the teeth coming through its gums. At around 4 months…

• When a dog is between 3 and 6 weeks old, its puppy teeth will emerge through its gums. This process produces 28 small teeth and can result in your young puppy chewing to relieve the pressure of the teeth coming through its gums. At around 4 months of age, the 42 permanent adult teeth will start to come in. Numnumnum!

• Dogs like most predators need to satisfy their need to chew. Whether this is a bone, a ball, a stick, or a frozen water bottle. You will automatically put yourself at a great advantage in tiring out your dogs mind as well as his jaw. A tired mouth…

• Dogs like most predators need to satisfy their need to chew. Whether this is a bone, a ball, a stick, or a frozen water bottle. You will automatically put yourself at a great advantage in tiring out your dogs mind as well as his jaw. A tired mouth and mind equals a less mouthy animal. Get your CHEWY on!

• Reverse sneezing also called backwards sneezing or an invert sneeze is observed in dogs, particularly in those with flat faces (Pugs, Bulldogs, Boxers) It is however a fairly common respiratory event in every dog. Many times I notice this wre…

• Reverse sneezing also called backwards sneezing or an invert sneeze is observed in dogs, particularly in those with flat faces (Pugs, Bulldogs, Boxers) It is however a fairly common respiratory event in every dog. Many times I notice this wrestling around with a dog on their back or simply holding them in an upright position for elongated periods of time. Mucus goes to the back of their throats/sinuses, which causes them to sneeze in order to get that mucus out. If you've ever done a handstand under water, its kind of like that. It is characterized by rapid and repeated forced inhalation through the nose, accompanied by snorting or gagging sounds. HhhHCHCHHHHH! HhhChhhhhh!!! HhhhhhCHhhhhhh!!!! Don’t worry! It isn’t harmful. They’re completely fine before and after episodes and go about their business quickly. Basically, their hocking up a loogie or blowing their nose.

•With these frigid temps rolling in its quite common for the pup to be nudging the sheets to get under. With their head and nose under the covers borrowed beneath the depths of that 3 sheet hospital tuck, it’s a wonder how they don’t suffocate. Thro…

•With these frigid temps rolling in its quite common for the pup to be nudging the sheets to get under. With their head and nose under the covers borrowed beneath the depths of that 3 sheet hospital tuck, it’s a wonder how they don’t suffocate. Through our life we’ve developed a conscious fear of suffocation which increases our breathing and CO2 release when anything covers our face, tricking our minds into panic as the blankets become filled with our carbon dioxide, making it harder for US to breath. If relaxed, you could stay under quite a long time as well. Dogs however, have the ability to process and retain more oxygen inside their bodies per pound of weight then almost any animal; Which means that pocket their body tents beneath the sheets is enough for them to comfortably and easily breath for the entire night. A human in top athletic shape can only pull in 8 liters of oxygen per minute compared to a dogs 30+L per minute. Further more, a dogs respiratory ability to pull O2 and pump out CO2 reigns supreme even over a thoroughbred horse. So if your tootsies are a little numb tonight, tell your boy to GET UNDER! 

• Ever wonder what that little soft pita pocket on the outer edge of your dogs ear is? The “pinna” (latin for feather) performs two functions; It collects sound by acting as a funnel, amplifying the sound and directing it to the auditory canal and a…

• Ever wonder what that little soft pita pocket on the outer edge of your dogs ear is? The “pinna” (latin for feather) performs two functions; It collects sound by acting as a funnel, amplifying the sound and directing it to the auditory canal and also helps the ear flex and rotate up to 180 degrees to better pinpoint and target the exact location of sounds. For instant stress relief, rub it between your fingers!

• Bite force read in pounds is measured using a force transducer converting measured forces representing weight, and pressure into transmitted output signals. These signals may be sent to indicators, controllers, or data. 1 newton = 0.224808943 poun…

• Bite force read in pounds is measured using a force transducer converting measured forces representing weight, and pressure into transmitted output signals. These signals may be sent to indicators, controllers, or data. 1 newton = 0.224808943 pounds force. Therefore an American Pitbull Terrier with a bite for of 1035 newtons equals 235lbs of pressure. German Shepherds rank in at 238lbs of bite pressure and Rottweilers maintain an average of around 328lbs coming down. regarding which dog breed has the strongest jaw is difficult because there are so many variables. Of the dogs that have been scientifically tested and recorded, the Rottweiler appears to have the strongest jaw. However bite force is directly relevant to skull size; unproven, but some Mastiff lines depending on multiple variables can posses a bite force of 552 pounds. If true, this would make it stronger than any other domesticated dog on record. Pretty impressive compared to our bacon cheeseburger jaws crushing down at 120lbs.

• Breeds such as Siberian Huskies, Malamutes and Akitas can work and live in temperatures as low as 75°F below zero. Although most dogs are content in an outdoor environment; resistance to freezing temps is dependent on breed, age, coat type, diet a…

• Breeds such as Siberian Huskies, Malamutes and Akitas can work and live in temperatures as low as 75°F below zero. Although most dogs are content in an outdoor environment; resistance to freezing temps is dependent on breed, age, coat type, diet and actual time spent in the cold during earlier months.

Dog Training 101: Physical and mental stimulation, will inherit you a good dog. It’s really that simple. Enjoy trying to compete with the physical stamina and power of your dog. In the process of perspiring, muscle tear and bodily growth you will no…

Dog Training 101: Physical and mental stimulation, will inherit you a good dog. It’s really that simple. Enjoy trying to compete with the physical stamina and power of your dog. In the process of perspiring, muscle tear and bodily growth you will not only have a better connection with your dog but a more rejuvenated and clear outlook on what it is that makes him chase, chew and dig. Uncovering the glorious primitive qualities of our dog sometimes wipes away the foggy mundane reality we’ve come to inherit all to quickly.

• Various breeds of dogs seem to have different sleep requirements. Some very large breeds of dogs, like Newfoundlands, Saint Bernards, and Mastiffs, often spend a great deal of their lives sleeping – perhaps up to sixteen or even eighteen hour…

• Various breeds of dogs seem to have different sleep requirements. Some very large breeds of dogs, like Newfoundlands, Saint Bernards, and Mastiffs, often spend a great deal of their lives sleeping – perhaps up to sixteen or even eighteen hours a day. For this reason they are often referred to as "mat dogs," because they can always be found lying in front of the fireplace, much like a giant, furry hearth mat. The length of sleep is usually dictated by the level of activity in their environment. A dog living as a pet in the home is likely to sleep more than a dog that works for a living, like a search and rescue dog or a dog working on a farm. The average for most dogs is about 13 hours of sleep per day.

•Ears blown back, lips flappin, the driver behind you thinking that’s windshield washer fluid landing on his glass; Dogs LOVE riding with the window down; as do we enjoy a good rollercoaster ride! Like a gangster leaning out of a 67’ Impala, not onl…

•Ears blown back, lips flappin, the driver behind you thinking that’s windshield washer fluid landing on his glass; Dogs LOVE riding with the window down; as do we enjoy a good rollercoaster ride! Like a gangster leaning out of a 67’ Impala, not only is the wind stimulating for the whiskers upon their muzzle, the cool breeze streaming into their squinted eyes, and the brisk air numbing their gums; it enables them to quickly determine whats going on in town. With the ability to smell a bitch in heat over 2 miles away, you can bet your pals enjoying the smell of McDonalds jet streaming from the car a quarter mile ahead at the traffic light. “They’re lovin it!”

•That classical terminator look present in many species is scientifically coined as a “Heterochromia”. It is a lack of, or excess of melanin, which is inherited or passed down genetically when eye pigment is forming; creating this interesting look. …

•That classical terminator look present in many species is scientifically coined as a “Heterochromia”. It is a lack of, or excess of melanin, which is inherited or passed down genetically when eye pigment is forming; creating this interesting look. Its mostly seen in breeds such as Border Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs, Great Danes, Siberian Huskies, Mila Kunis and Christopher Walken. The only thing different about the eye is, well, the color. Functionality and durability is no different from the norm. Looks exotically beautiful too!

•St. Bernard de Menthon, was an Augustine monk who opened a monastery in the snowy mountains to help trekkers pass through the western alps in the year 1050. In 1660 monks of this monastery acquired their first mastiff style dogs which wouldn't be c…

•St. Bernard de Menthon, was an Augustine monk who opened a monastery in the snowy mountains to help trekkers pass through the western alps in the year 1050. In 1660 monks of this monastery acquired their first mastiff style dogs which wouldn't be coined until 1880 as “The St. Bernard”. Their reputation serves them well, with over 2,000 logged rescues including Napoleon Bonaparte along with his army of 250,000 soldiers during the 1790’s and tons of avalanche victims. Rumors of brandy in the barrel is technically not documented, but who has time to log when your warming up under a 230lb dog, guzzling brandy out of an oak cask. One thing is for sure, this is a dog that will raise your body temps in abundance! If your ever stuck in the snowy pine filled back country, bring a Saint!

• The bond and relationship between you & your dog starts the moment he sniffs you. Everything you say or don't say, do or don't do, will be registered and absorbed, essentially culturing the capabilities of your animal.

• The bond and relationship between you & your dog starts the moment he sniffs you. Everything you say or don't say, do or don't do, will be registered and absorbed, essentially culturing the capabilities of your animal.

• Like humans, dogs eyesight clarity can range; seeing from as little as 900 feet away to as far as 3000 feet away. This sight quality depends on breed, breeding, genetics and age. So if your boy cant catch a flying cheeto from across the room, mayb…

• Like humans, dogs eyesight clarity can range; seeing from as little as 900 feet away to as far as 3000 feet away. This sight quality depends on breed, breeding, genetics and age. So if your boy cant catch a flying cheeto from across the room, maybe its time to go to LensCrafters!

• Enjoy sharing food with your companion! It is a nice way to treat him to something natural, nutritious and if its from your mouth..full of your scent. Allowing a dog to eat real food does not directly create their need or desire to beg; it is allo…

• Enjoy sharing food with your companion! It is a nice way to treat him to something natural, nutritious and if its from your mouth..full of your scent. Allowing a dog to eat real food does not directly create their need or desire to beg; it is allowing them to beg and feeding them from close distance that nurtures the knee paws, warm face plants into your lap and gloomy puppy eyes. Feel free to give your dog a piece of grilled chicken...when he's 'away' from your area and in a relaxed state. Timing is everything.

• The dogs tongue is king, everything else in the mouth is an assistant. It's a radiator, a healer of wounds, a water-lapper, the wet equivalent of a dog's handshake, a texture gauge, a food conveyor, and a register of tastes. A dog's tongue has mor…

• The dogs tongue is king, everything else in the mouth is an assistant. It's a radiator, a healer of wounds, a water-lapper, the wet equivalent of a dog's handshake, a texture gauge, a food conveyor, and a register of tastes. A dog's tongue has more responsibilities than any other part of the dog anatomy -- excluding the brain. And oddly enough, for all its duties and actions, it is one of the most maintenance free structures of all the dog's body parts.

• Panting moves cooling air over the moist surfaces of the dogs tongue and lungs, transferring heat into the atmosphere.

• Panting moves cooling air over the moist surfaces of the dogs tongue and lungs, transferring heat into the atmosphere.

• When poet/romanticist Lord Byron was informed that his dog was not allowed to come with him to Cambridge Trinity College, he retaliated by bringing his pet bear instead. He even suggested that he would apply for a college fellowship for the bear. …

• When poet/romanticist Lord Byron was informed that his dog was not allowed to come with him to Cambridge Trinity College, he retaliated by bringing his pet bear instead. He even suggested that he would apply for a college fellowship for the bear. Way to stick it to'em George!

• Unlike wolves, who are known to have annual breeding cycles and tend to be monogamous, female dogs tend to have bi-annual breeding cycles and seem to have no problem whatsoever in readily mating with multiple partners. Bitches produce several ova …

• Unlike wolves, who are known to have annual breeding cycles and tend to be monogamous, female dogs tend to have bi-annual breeding cycles and seem to have no problem whatsoever in readily mating with multiple partners. Bitches produce several ova that remain available for fertilization for several days. Male dogs produce sperm known to remain alive for up to eight days. The Result? Your female Dalmatian can give birth to a multi-sired litter of pups all containing different genetic combinations of the Golden Retriever Doberman Pinscher and Pitbull she fooled around with. That LITTLE floozy!

• Dogs can donate blood to other dogs and cats can donate blood to other cats. Their blood types are universal to one another, and can come in handy if they ever need a transfusion. Humans and Chimps have comparative ABO blood types. Humans could re…

• Dogs can donate blood to other dogs and cats can donate blood to other cats. Their blood types are universal to one another, and can come in handy if they ever need a transfusion. Humans and Chimps have comparative ABO blood types. Humans could receive a transfusion of Chimp blood as long as the types are matched.

• Dogs are uncommonly powerful physically and use this power to good advantage. When trained to draw loads the muscles become strong out of all proportion to his size. Six sled dogs can draw a load equal to what two horses handle.

• Dogs are uncommonly powerful physically and use this power to good advantage. When trained to draw loads the muscles become strong out of all proportion to his size. Six sled dogs can draw a load equal to what two horses handle.

• It is said that our smelling ability increases to reach a plateau at about the age of eight, and declines in old age. Although smell-identification ability increases during childhood, even newborn infants are highly sensitive to some important sme…

• It is said that our smelling ability increases to reach a plateau at about the age of eight, and declines in old age. Although smell-identification ability increases during childhood, even newborn infants are highly sensitive to some important smells: recent research shows that newborn babies locate their mothers’ nipples by smell (Just like our dogs once did as puppies). In experiments, one breast of each participating mother was washed immediately after the birth. The newborn baby was then placed between the breasts. Of 30 infants, 22 spontaneously selected the unwashed breast! Because our dogs level of scent supersedes ours by over 200 million receptors; while driving down the street, our dogs are capable of deciphering between over 1 TRILLION odors!

• We are taught from childhood to use expressions which indicate that other animals possess the same cognitive characteristics and abilities that human beings have. We administer adjectives and verbs which belong respectively to human beings: gregar…

• We are taught from childhood to use expressions which indicate that other animals possess the same cognitive characteristics and abilities that human beings have. We administer adjectives and verbs which belong respectively to human beings: gregarious hamster, loony parakeet or sassy pomperanian. And, conversely, we have been taught to apply adjectives belonging to other animals to ourselves: vicious as a lion, horny as a dog, !@#$'s like a rabbit! It may be difficult for you to change your ways of thinking and to refuse to apply such language to your dogs; but we must get to know the wonderful dog for what he is and not attempt to make him human. He is interesting enough as he is, and needs only to be studied, not remodeled.

• From your dressed up Teacup Chihuahua to your English Bulldog to your Newfoundland, dogs are essentially wolves selectively bred over the coarse of thousands of years to preform one capable instinct better then their others. Hounds display stickto…

• From your dressed up Teacup Chihuahua to your English Bulldog to your Newfoundland, dogs are essentially wolves selectively bred over the coarse of thousands of years to preform one capable instinct better then their others. Hounds display sticktoitiveness, given by those wolves able to track down prey exceptionally well. Toy breeds exhibit playfulness taken from selective omega wolves attempting to relieve tension in a pack with their goofiness. Sporting dogs take from the wolf their best abilities to swim point and carry objects. As do terriers show off the wolfs amazing strength and persistence at something as natural as digging. Between dog and wolf, natural genetics and behavioral principles are slimmer then two different shoes. One only having better traction, looking nicer, being lighter, or just being more durable to the elements. In order to understand your dog deeper, look more towards what they came from, and less towards what humans try to make them.

• The wolf's relation to man is one of avoidance unless its circumstances have taught him indifference. The Ojibway Indian name for wolf is Mahengun which means 'a hungry sneak, eternally on the hunt for food.' It is said that the man who sees the w…

• The wolf's relation to man is one of avoidance unless its circumstances have taught him indifference. The Ojibway Indian name for wolf is Mahengun which means 'a hungry sneak, eternally on the hunt for food.' It is said that the man who sees the wolf is one of the elect, and it is quite true that you can walk a wolf-infested forest all your life and never get a glimpse of one.

• When inquiring whether or not to take an item away from the dog such as a favorite blanket, throw, or shoe he may be gnawing on, try taking the dog away from the item instead of the item away from the dog. Doing so in this order will teach redirec…

• When inquiring whether or not to take an item away from the dog such as a favorite blanket, throw, or shoe he may be gnawing on, try taking the dog away from the item instead of the item away from the dog. Doing so in this order will teach redirection towards a more desirable item you would rather him chew (such as a kong or juicy bone) versus possibly adding towards guarding behavior. 

'Bu..but that's myyyyyy Adidas sneaker....no, no it isn't Sparky.'

• Sometimes larger deep chested breeds in the mastiff lineage experience what some have termed "Licky Fits". It is the onset of outrageously frantic licking of anything from carpets, walls, floors and eating anything that can be swallowed such as gr…

• Sometimes larger deep chested breeds in the mastiff lineage experience what some have termed "Licky Fits". It is the onset of outrageously frantic licking of anything from carpets, walls, floors and eating anything that can be swallowed such as grass, leaves or the fiber of carpets to absorb some of the acids in their stomach. By doing this they inhale and gobble up lots of air. It is obvious that the behavior is due to severe gastrointestinal discomfort. Most dogs come out of it within 45 minutes. Some can go on for hours until they vomit up, fart and otherwise release the gases within their stomachs. While the condition appears to affect primarily young dogs, it has also been reported in older dogs. Often, young dogs eventually will outgrow the condition. The easiest way of dealing with it is to let them roam outside and eat grass until they vomit. otherwise, keep paper towels close by.

Growing older doesn't mean going lame. Stay creative. Stay imaginative. The body may dull, but the mind grows sharper and wiser with each passing day.

Growing older doesn't mean going lame. Stay creative. Stay imaginative. The body may dull, but the mind grows sharper and wiser with each passing day.

• The ocean can be cold, cruel and unpredictable.. But for our four legged friends it is a vast open pool. Already having an elevated head and neck, waterproof coating which shuts out even the most frigid water temperatures, strong rudder like tails…

• The ocean can be cold, cruel and unpredictable.. But for our four legged friends it is a vast open pool. Already having an elevated head and neck, waterproof coating which shuts out even the most frigid water temperatures, strong rudder like tails, superior lung capabilities, lower center of gravity and filled webbing between their toes; DOGS are at an amazing advantage compared to us in terms of what nature gave them. If your pooch gets swept up by a tide, hang in the shallows and play it cool. Their is a much greater chance they make it out on their own instead of us getting swept up with them. One case in California sites an off duty coast guard being swept into the pacific while trying to save her dog. The dog came walking out of a swell 2 miles down the beach. The owners body was never found. SO be careful out there, I know I'd be one of the first to dive in after my dog, but give them a second to show off how truly aquatic they really are. 'be free. enjoy your dog'

• Around 1892 breeds such as the Bull Terrier went from being bred for performance to being bred for appearance. Originally designed to kill rats, bait bulls, maul bears tied to poles, and even break down its own kind; it now resides across the worl…

• Around 1892 breeds such as the Bull Terrier went from being bred for performance to being bred for appearance. Originally designed to kill rats, bait bulls, maul bears tied to poles, and even break down its own kind; it now resides across the world as an egg headed "gentleman's companion". Through established breeding and a targeted appearance in mind, dogs such as Dalmations, Whippets, Pointers and Greyhounds where used. Borzois and Collies where thrown into the breeding project as well, in order to reduce the stop and normal bridge of the canine skull. Unique as all hell, and still showing signs of its blood origin, the Bull Terrier is surely one notable and ever-changing dog.

•Farm dogs in ancient Greece wore similar collars to the spike-studded ones their medieval successors would wear. A sheepdog, which had to be white in order to be visible at night, was given a leather collar studded with sharp nails pushed thro…

•Farm dogs in ancient Greece wore similar collars to the spike-studded ones their medieval successors would wear. A sheepdog, which had to be white in order to be visible at night, was given a leather collar studded with sharp nails pushed through it, called a melium. This protected his neck from wolf maulings as he defended his flock. It is interesting to note that while the sheepdogs had to be white, the farmhouse dogs had to be black -- so they could conceal themselves better to surprise intruders.

•Horses were vastly considered in order to pull sleds across arctic terrain due to their massive size, strength and physical ability. One of the most important reasons they didn’t last was due to their herbivorous dietary constraints. During rough t…

•Horses were vastly considered in order to pull sleds across arctic terrain due to their massive size, strength and physical ability. One of the most important reasons they didn’t last was due to their herbivorous dietary constraints. During rough times out in the wild north, sleds would get stuck; sometimes 600 miles in the middle of nowhere! Supplies and rations went quick! The only way to ensure survival and that the sleigh moved on, was if what powered the sleigh had nutrition. And there ain’t no vegetation in -60 degrees! Many times dogs, as well as mushers, would eat off the weakest link in order to keep going. So stock up on your chili before this weeks nor'easter hits! Otherwise its Lucky’s loins for supper!

•On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, which became the first satellite to circle earth. About a month later, on November 3, 1957 Sputnik 2 launched carrying in it the first living creature to orbit the earth – a dog named Laika.

•On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, which became the first satellite to circle earth. About a month later, on November 3, 1957 Sputnik 2 launched carrying in it the first living creature to orbit the earth – a dog named Laika.

• Due to the massive lung capacity of dogs, they can process and retain more oxygen inside their bodies per pound of weight then almost any animal. Theoretically it is easy for a dog to hold in air for well over 3 minutes; humans would need extensive lung training. With the right amount of exposure and positive techniques its fun and easy to get any dog splashing in AND under the water!

• Historically, cropping was performed on dogs that might need to fight, either while hunting animals that might fight back or while defending livestock herds from predators, or because they were used for pit-fighting sports such as dogfighting or b…

• Historically, cropping was performed on dogs that might need to fight, either while hunting animals that might fight back or while defending livestock herds from predators, or because they were used for pit-fighting sports such as dogfighting or bear bating The ears were an easy target for an opposing animal to grab or tear.
Cropping the ears of livestock guardian dogs was, and may still be, traditional in some pastoral cultures. The ears of working flock-defense dogs such as the Caucasian shepherd dog (Kavkazskaïa Ovtcharka) and the Pastore Maremmano Abruzzese were traditionally cropped to reduce the possibility of wolves or aggressor dogs getting a hold on them. According to one description, cropping was carried out when puppies were weaned, at about six weeks. It was performed by an older or expert shepherd, using the ordinary blade shears used for shearing, well sharpened. The ears were cut either to a point like those of a fox, or rounded like those of a bear. The removed auricles were given to the puppy to eat, in the belief that it would make him more "sour"; the ears were first grilled. An alternative method was to remove the ears from newly-born puppies by twisting them off; however, this left almost no external ear on the dog. More than three hundred years ago, both ear-cropping and the use of spiked collars were described as a defense against wolves by Jean de la Fontaine in Fable 9 of Book X of the Fables, published in 1678.

• The receptor cells for taste are located in the back of the tongue and the soft palate. In man there are five kinds of tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, salt and metallic. Dogs are also affected by these same sensations. However due to fewer taste buds…

• The receptor cells for taste are located in the back of the tongue and the soft palate. In man there are five kinds of tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, salt and metallic. Dogs are also affected by these same sensations. However due to fewer taste buds and more scent receptors in dogs, what we call flavors are to dogs, odors. Dog relies on his sense of smell, but very little on taste to accept or reject his food. For this reason the dog is one of the easiest of all animals to poison. If a toxic substance has no odor it will be swallowed regardless of how it tastes. Hundreds of dogs die annually from eating fatal toxics carelessly thrown into the trash. If they tasted the food even a tiny crystal would cause rejections, but food is swallowed passed the gullet before being tasted.

• In general, dogs age in a manner similar to humans. Their bodies begin to develop problems which are less common at younger ages, they are more prone to serious or fatal conditions such as cancer, stroke, etc., they become less mobile and may…

• In general, dogs age in a manner similar to humans. Their bodies begin to develop problems which are less common at younger ages, they are more prone to serious or fatal conditions such as cancer, stroke, etc., they become less mobile and may develop joint problems such as arthritis and in old age often become less physically active. In some cases incontinence may develop and breathing difficulties may appear. Aging begins at birth, but its manifestations are not noticeable for several years. The first sign of aging is a general decrease in activity level, a tendency to sleep longer and more soundly, a waning of enthusiasm for long walks and games of catch, and a loss of interest in the goings on in the home. Aside from the obvious sophisticated and well earned “touch of grey” look, many breeds go well into their 13th years healthy as a ham. Records show a 29 year old Aussie Cattle Dog and 27 year old Bull Terrier cross. Up north old age just means more cuddling next to warmer fires.

• The term "Dog Days of Summer" dates back to Roman times, when it was believed that Sirius, the Dog Star, added its heat to that of the sun from July 3 to August 11, creating exceptionally high temperatures. The name Sirius comes from the Ancient G…

• The term "Dog Days of Summer" dates back to Roman times, when it was believed that Sirius, the Dog Star, added its heat to that of the sun from July 3 to August 11, creating exceptionally high temperatures. The name Sirius comes from the Ancient Greek word seirios meaning "glowing" or "scorcher."

• Dogs feel vibrations through their skin which can be observed in deaf dogs reacting to a person entering a room, or stepping on a deck board some distance away. One experiment lead me to clapping hundreds of feet from a dog with no hearing whatsoe…

• Dogs feel vibrations through their skin which can be observed in deaf dogs reacting to a person entering a room, or stepping on a deck board some distance away. One experiment lead me to clapping hundreds of feet from a dog with no hearing whatsoever. The shock waves from my hands sent through the air, felt through the body stimulated acknowledging reaction from the dog. This was later conditioned into the dog as a form of recall.

•The ANAL glands or anal sacs are small glands found near the anus in many mammals, including dogs, foxes, wolves, cats, possums, skunks and raccoons. They are paired sacs located on either side of the anus between the external and internal sph…

•The ANAL glands or anal sacs are small glands found near the anus in many mammals, including dogs, foxes, wolves, cats, possums, skunks and raccoons. They are paired sacs located on either side of the anus between the external and internal sphincter muscles. Glands within the lining secrete a liquid that is used for identification as well as a repellent. The glands can spontaneously empty, especially under times of stress, creating a very sudden unpleasant change in the odor of the animal that STINKS! This odor in designed as a defense mechanism in order for a subordinated dog or animal to gain distance from an assaulter or uncomfortable situation. Many times it reeks of fish or sour milk; YUM! If inside, just open a window or spray some febreeze, within a few minutes the smell will dissipate. If your feeling scientific feel free to grab a UV light and wand it over the exploded area; the glands secretions will have a fluorescent glow. Bring THAT into Spencers!

• Domestic dogs size variation is greater then any other terrestrial mammal on earth.

• Domestic dogs size variation is greater then any other terrestrial mammal on earth.

•Treadmills were not built for us... Treadmills were built over 4000 years ago to harness the power of animals for churning butter, separating cream and processing wheat; goats, sheep, horses, mules and dogs were used on these raw material machines.…

•Treadmills were not built for us... Treadmills were built over 4000 years ago to harness the power of animals for churning butter, separating cream and processing wheat; goats, sheep, horses, mules and dogs were used on these raw material machines. Only reason it was remodeled for us in the 1960's with a comfy conveyor belt was our transition to "office" work and the rapid growth of humans sitting on their ass's. It is our lack of motion that can sometimes kill us or give us weird health ailments. Our bodies are incredibly designed durable machines, capable of unimaginable abuse and physical duration. Don't be afraid of getting back to your roots... of an animal designed to move.

•Use nature to your advantage! Letting your beast outside allows them more mental stimulation over the coarse of the day then being inside. Inside they know the stagnancy of everything, outside is where all the changes are happening. Something as su…

•Use nature to your advantage! Letting your beast outside allows them more mental stimulation over the coarse of the day then being inside. Inside they know the stagnancy of everything, outside is where all the changes are happening. Something as subtle as a snow heavy branch falling, a squirrel chasing its lover up a tree, a heron about to steal a fish from your pond; these are all things that will create massive amounts of mental stimulation, curiosity and bodily health. Being able to smell the microscopic changes in the wind or watching the cycles of daylight will leave your dog tired above all else at the end of the day. "Hard days work makes for a good nights sleep!" -Smile, life is good!

• When dog is intimidated startled or intrigued the hair along the nape stands up to give the appearance of a mane. It is equivalent to cobras expanding their hood, puffer fish gulping water to swell or a human puffing up their chest. The behavior o…

• When dog is intimidated startled or intrigued the hair along the nape stands up to give the appearance of a mane. It is equivalent to cobras expanding their hood, puffer fish gulping water to swell or a human puffing up their chest. The behavior of 'puffing yourself up' slides down the ladder of all phylum and ranks in the animal kingdom. It displays a false presence of supremacy, or in some cases, swagger.

•An average sized dog produces about a pint of mucus a day. Mucus-producing tissue lines the mouth, nose, throat, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract. It acts as a protective blanket over these surfaces, preventing the tissue underneath from dryi…

•An average sized dog produces about a pint of mucus a day. Mucus-producing tissue lines the mouth, nose, throat, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract. It acts as a protective blanket over these surfaces, preventing the tissue underneath from drying out. Think of it as the oil to our engines. As gross as those dangling shoelaces of drool may seem swinging all over the kitchen; without a good amount of mucus our dog cannot optimally perform. So fill those buckets up crisp & clear to stay lubed! And...just keep a mop handy!

• You might notice that your dog's front nails grow a lot faster than his rear toenails. Since canines generally move themselves forward using their back leg muscles more than their front, their back toenails tend to experience significantly more pr…

• You might notice that your dog's front nails grow a lot faster than his rear toenails. Since canines generally move themselves forward using their back leg muscles more than their front, their back toenails tend to experience significantly more pressure and therefore are ground down. In nature, long toenails aren't necessarily a bad thing for dogs. They're useful for everything from self-defense to digging deep in the soil. In cozy indoor home environments, however, long nails not only aren't necessary, they also can sometimes be a hazard to your beloved pooch. In nature their nails see less hard unnatural surfaces and are useful for added traction into the earth during long excursions and hunts. Although toenail trimming can certainly keep your pet looking neat and tidy, it also can benefit his health and well-being. If his toenails are overly long, they can press hard against your floors and make moving painful, awkward and unpleasant. Neglected nails also start to grow in twisted manners, sometimes even colliding with dogs' paw pads, leading to possible infection. Excessively lengthy toenails can also get trapped into snags around your home. They can interfere with your pet's manner of walking, too, which can ultimately bring upon issues with their skeleton. A good rule of thumb is to trim those daggers once every week or at least once every two weeks to keep a nice flush surface

• Touch is the first sense the dog develops. The entire body, including the paws, is covered with touch-sensitive nerve endings.

• Touch is the first sense the dog develops. The entire body, including the paws, is covered with touch-sensitive nerve endings.

• That extra isolated nub of a pad extending up the leg is formally known as a “carpal pad“. They’re found on the forelimbs which are used for additional traction when stopping or descending a slope in digitigrades species. Additional dewclaws can a…

• That extra isolated nub of a pad extending up the leg is formally known as a “carpal pad“. They’re found on the forelimbs which are used for additional traction when stopping or descending a slope in digitigrades species. Additional dewclaws can also be present. The paw also includes a horny, beak shaped claw on each digit. Though usually hairless, certain animals do have fur on the soles of their paws. An example is the Red Panda whose furry soles help insulate them in their snowy habitat.

• Plato 348 BC was a mathematician, student of Socrates, writer of philosophical dialogues. Along with his student, Aristotle, Plato helped to lay the foundations of Western philosophy and science. Plato's dialogues have been used to teach a ra…

• Plato 348 BC was a mathematician, student of Socrates, writer of philosophical dialogues. Along with his student, Aristotle, Plato helped to lay the foundations of Western philosophy and science. Plato's dialogues have been used to teach a range of subjects, including philosophy, logic, ethics, rhetoric, religion and mathematics. One of the most important founding figures in Western philosophy; his greatest, most compassionately authentic quote was… “A Dog has the soul of a philosopher.”

• All dogs can be traced back 40 million years ago to a weasel-like animal called the Miacis which dwelled in trees and dens. The Miacis later evolved into the Tomarctus, a direct forbear of the genus Canis, which includes the wolf and jackal as wel…

• All dogs can be traced back 40 million years ago to a weasel-like animal called the Miacis which dwelled in trees and dens. The Miacis later evolved into the Tomarctus, a direct forbear of the genus Canis, which includes the wolf and jackal as well as the dog.

• Historically, tail docking was thought to prevent rabies, strengthen the back, increase the animal's speed, and prevent injuries when ratting, fighting, and baiting. In early times in the United Kingdom a tax was levied upon working dogs with…

• Historically, tail docking was thought to prevent rabies, strengthen the back, increase the animal's speed, and prevent injuries when ratting, fighting, and baiting. In early times in the United Kingdom a tax was levied upon working dogs with tails so many types of dogs were docked to avoid this tax. The tax was repealed in 1796 but that did not stop the practice from persisting. In modern times docking is done either for prophylactic, therapeutic, or cosmetic purposes. For dogs that worked in the field, such as some hunting dogs and herding dogs, tails could collect burrs and foxtails, causing pain and infection and, due to the tail's wagging, may be subject to abrasion or other injury while moving through dense brush or thickets. Without a tail, dogs might be significantly handicapped in conveying fear, caution, aggression, playfulness, and so on-- or give them the discreet advantage.

• Little Red Riding Hood", also known as "Little Red Cap" or simply "Red Riding Hood", is a French and later European fairy tale about a young girl and a big bad wolf. The story has been changed considerably in its history and subject to numerous mo…

• Little Red Riding Hood", also known as "Little Red Cap" or simply "Red Riding Hood", is a French and later European fairy tale about a young girl and a big bad wolf. The story has been changed considerably in its history and subject to numerous modern adaptations and readings. The story was first published by Charles Perrault. Some interpretations include "REBIRTH"--The girl who foolishly listened to the wolf has been reborn as a new person. The “RITUALISTIC”--The girl, leaving home, enters a liminal state and by going through the acts of the tale, is transformed into an adult woman by the act of coming out of the wolf's belly. And one interpretation of "SEXUAL AWAKENING" by where the anthropomorphic wolf symbolizes a man, who could be a lover, seducer or sexual predator.

Dogs detect sounds as low as the 16 to 20 Hz frequency range (compared to 20 to 70 Hz for humans) and above 45 kHz(compared to 13 to 20 kHz for humans) and in addition have a degree of ear mobility that helps them to rapidly pinpoint the exact locat…

Dogs detect sounds as low as the 16 to 20 Hz frequency range (compared to 20 to 70 Hz for humans) and above 45 kHz(compared to 13 to 20 kHz for humans) and in addition have a degree of ear mobility that helps them to rapidly pinpoint the exact location of a sound. Eighteen or more muscles can tilt, rotate, raise or lower a dog's ear. Additionally, a dog can identify a sound's location much faster than a human can, as well as hear sounds up to four times the distance that humans are able to. Those with more natural ear shapes, like those of wild canids such as the fox, generally hear better than those with the floppier ears of many domesticated species.

• Humans have two important abilities to help us understand time: We are able to remember a sequence of events and anticipate future needs. Studies show that dogs may have these abilities -- but to a lesser extent. Buddhist and new age gurus talk al…

• Humans have two important abilities to help us understand time: We are able to remember a sequence of events and anticipate future needs. Studies show that dogs may have these abilities -- but to a lesser extent. Buddhist and new age gurus talk alot about the value of "living in the moment." By doing so, they argue, we temporarily free ourselves from sweating the past and worrying about the future; we briefly force ourselves to exist only in the NOW. As it turns out, the rest of the animal kingdom does this without the aid of meditation, drugs, booze or self-help seminars. Dogs LACK the episodic memory that allows us to create detailed, contextual stories about past/future events. Dogs allow such factors as hormone fluctuations, scent, sound and body temperature to dictate most of their behavior patterns. Extensive training enables some dogs to perform better on memory-based tests, but it shows that human memory is needed to experience the human perception of time. Dogs share many cognitive abilities with us, even if they live in a glorious world of a forever existent now. Just look into their eyes, talk to them; toss away that underlying assumption of cognitive difference…and enjoy them! No one appreciates the special genius of your conversation as a dog does.

• The origin of the domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) began with the domestication of the grey wolf (Canis lupus) several tens of thousands of years ago. Genetic and archaeological evidence shows that humans domesticated wolves no later tha…

• The origin of the domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) began with the domestication of the grey wolf (Canis lupus) several tens of thousands of years ago. Genetic and archaeological evidence shows that humans domesticated wolves no later than 15,000 years ago and possibly as early as 33,000 years ago. How exactly the domestication of the Grey Wolf happened is unclear, but theories include orphaned wolf cubs or the promise of food for the least fearful/most social specimens approaching Neanderthal encampments.

• Male dogs will raise their legs while urinating to aim higher on an object such as a tree, lamp post, bush or fence because they want to leave a message that they're tall SUAVE and intimidating. Some wild dogs in Africa try to run up tree trunks w…

• Male dogs will raise their legs while urinating to aim higher on an object such as a tree, lamp post, bush or fence because they want to leave a message that they're tall SUAVE and intimidating. Some wild dogs in Africa try to run up tree trunks while they are urinating to appear to be VERY large!

• The phrase “raining cats and dogs” originated in seventeenth-century England. During heavy rainstorms, many homeless animals would drown and float down the streets, giving the appearance that it had actually rained cats and dogs.

• The phrase “raining cats and dogs” originated in seventeenth-century England. During heavy rainstorms, many homeless animals would drown and float down the streets, giving the appearance that it had actually rained cats and dogs.

• Dogs' shoulder blades are unattached to the rest of the skeleton to allow greater flexibility for running. The average dog can hit between 19-25mph; greyhounds clock in around 45mph--That's 60ft per second. Within only 6 strides they reach their f…

• Dogs' shoulder blades are unattached to the rest of the skeleton to allow greater flexibility for running. The average dog can hit between 19-25mph; greyhounds clock in around 45mph--That's 60ft per second. Within only 6 strides they reach their full speed. The only other mammal that can accelerate faster over a short distance is... the CHEETAH!

• Dogs’ eyes contain a special membrane called the tapetum lucidum, which allows them to see in the dark. Most primates, including humans, LACK a tapetum lucidum and compensate for it by perceptive recognition methods and ocular irises. Eyeshine is …

• Dogs’ eyes contain a special membrane called the tapetum lucidum, which allows them to see in the dark. Most primates, including humans, LACK a tapetum lucidum and compensate for it by perceptive recognition methods and ocular irises. Eyeshine is a visible effect of the tapetum lucidum. When light shines into the eye of an animal the pupil appears to glow.