Basic Dog on Dog 101



   Teeth out full, muzzle wrinkled like a bed sheet and growls of a grizzly bear projecting from those giant lungs; dog interactions for people can sometimes be frightening. This is basic dog on dog 101. When two dogs are playing you will notice a lot of body movement: Squiggles, wiggles, bows and bends. The interaction will look like an unsure sloppy dance between two left footed people. They will keep their distance then get close repetitively as this creates the initiative to chase (akin to a kids game of tag).

Although some play can get rough it is important to remember that these are dogs playing here, not people. You will see teeth, hear growls and see high speed chases end a hair from a cement wall. This is normal. With a few basic play principles on the table; here are a few not-so-playful principles: Locked stature and squared off posture, slow thoughtful positioning of body head eyes and mouth, locked on clenched or gyrating jaws and screams from one member that sends chills down your neck in obvious expressions of unreasonable pain. visual targeting. excessive growls barks or snarls from the loins. retreating to a secluded area. bodily fluids spilled.

Now you know some simple guidelines of when to step up and when to sit back. Have fun watching dogs interact and engage in draining healthy activity. And please, feel free to get on the ground and join in the fun!